Importance of Backlink part 2 for SEO | Seo Guide - part 17

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Importance of Backlink part 2 for SEO

Today we have a second article about Backlink.In the previous articles, we have talked about many important points for SEO And talking about the Backlink.We have more information about backlink.All of them are very important to you.

First of all, let's look at these facts.There are four main points.
  1. Post Backlinks & Comment Backlinks
  2. DoFollow and NoFollow
  3. Angela and Paul
  4. edu, gov links
So let's describe those points.

1.Post Backlinks & Comment Backlinks

Post Backlinks
We are writing many articles on a site.Eva is mentioned under various topics.So in addition to these things, you will mention additional points.You can use Link for this.It can be anywhere in your letter.In that article, the links are called Post Backlinks.That link can be to your own site or to another site.

Comment Backlinks
Most people write articles to websites.Audience also expresses their views.That's commented on in the comment section.You can enter multiple links in comment section.You can comment on the site as a link or Name URL.Now let's see how to put comment as a Name URL.

1.First go to article comment section.

Importance of Backlink for SEO
Blogger comment section
2.choose the Name/URL
Importance of Backlink for SEO
Blogger comment section
3.You will need to fill in as follows.Then enter name in Name box and enter your link in URL box.
Importance of Backlink for SEO
Blogger comment section
4.Finally Click the continue button and type the comment you want to publish.

2.DoFollow and NoFollow

This is about the quality of a site.There are various websites in the world.Also, the sites have Page Ranking.So that page ranking is only for good sites.So you think that has created a Comment Backlink on such a high PR site.If that High PR website is a DoFollow website, our Comment Backlink is 100% accurate.But if it's a higher PR website is a NoFollow website,no useful in Backlink that we created.That's because the website does not follow the search engine spider.Then we will not succeed in the SEO process.
The following sites are DoFollow types.You can make comments backlink on those sites.
  • socialtimes
  • blog.digitalbackcountry
  • PR5
  • bluehatseo
  • blog.brazencareerist
  • PR4
  • basicblogtips
  • weblogbetter
  • bloggingwithoutablog
  • uncommonphotographers
  • PR3
  • myblog2day
  • techpatio
3.Angela and Paul

Angela Backlinks
This means the creation of Backlink on PR2-PR5 sites.Here you need to make many Backlink.Sometimes it may be a problem.Because making a lot of Backlink is a bother.It's time wasted.

Paul Backlinks
This means the creation of Backlink on PR5-PR9 sites.Here you need to make 10-15 Backlink.It's enough.This saves time and makes your SEO process successful.Get a better result for a short time., gov links

If you visit us on our site you can use we have used the .com domain on the SBmade site.So there's a lot of Doam in the world.You can also purchase them at different prices.

You will also be important to take a higher domain to the site.So for example, think about the domain such as and contains the .edu, .gov domains.These .edu, .gov domains are not easily purchased.These are top price domains.These domain can be Using only for educational websites and government websites.So if you can make a Backlink from these websites,It is very important.This is more valuable than Paul Backlinks, above.It's enough to have two or three backlinks in these sites.Then it's easy to get to the site's search engine.
If so, you are now well aware of the above facts.Also, pick up your site from top place in search engine.

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